My most recent furniture makeover is a toddler bed for a reading nook. Some people cut bangs when they are stresses, I paint furniture. I also paint when I’m sad, happy, nesting…you name it. Most of the time, I paint for myself but occasionally I paint projects for others. This was a project for my Mom. She requested this a few months ago originally and then while in the midst of making decisions about what she wanted, we ended up getting the news that she had been diagnosed with cancer.
The project had already been started but it sat in the garage the last few months. The cancer got worse, she passed, my focus was everywhere but painting and then quarantine. Oh quarantine! What’s a girl to do cooped up with no other obligations and boiling over with the stress of the unknown?! Paint.
So, I did. I painted for approximately 2 hours total, add in some dry time that spanned 2 days and voila. The makeover I never saw coming. This may be my favorite furniture makeover. I love chalk paint, I forget how much I love it sometimes until I’m working on a project and then all the butterflies come flooding back to my soul.
Furniture Makeover Supplies:
- Amy Howard One Step Paint: Spa White
- Paint Brush
- Matte Polycrylic
In the details:
Book from Rifle Paper Co and beautiful peace lily from The Heavy in Winter Park. Sheets from Pottery Barn Kids and Pillows from Pottery Barn.
My Amy Howard Review
The Amy Howard Spa White was a color my Mom has used in her guest room and it has some grey undertones. It turned out beautiful. I may get some eye rolls from some chalk paint purists but I don’t like chalk paint wax as a finish. ::ducks and covers::
I prefer to use Matte Poly, especially fir pieces used by kids, for it’s durability and ease of cleaning. Matte keeps that chalk paint look and esthetic. The Spa White was covering a very dark wood so it took all of 2 two full coats. The coverage of the first coat was pretty streaky as was to be expected but the 2nd coat made a world of difference and I instantly knew it was going to have great coverage. This was my first time using Amy Howard. I very impressed with the color pigment and coverage.