Quarantine life!
Going strong and on a pretty good schedule. The new “normal” still feels odd. We wrapped up one holiday (Easter) where we weren’t surrounded by both sides of the family. We kept the most important traditions and still made it special for the kids. And we are entering another holiday, Mother’s Day. Some things have opened back up, others haven’t.
I’d be lying if I didn’t say that part of me enjoys this new normal. The pace is slower. The introvert from my introverted-extrovert is happy to nest in place. I miss the ease of running errands and seeing my PTA Mamas, friends and family we haven’t seen for a while but I enjoy having everyone important to me close and within arms reach. 💗 (and when we feel on top of each other, a 30 min run helps bring me back around!)
Long Term Change?
There are times I sit and wonder what long term affects will all of this have on our every day lives and on our children. Will they look back fondly at the time at home? Will this spur a new generation of germophobes? Will we keep a slower pace or rush back to filling our times and days with as much as possible? I hope the last one is a permanent change towards a slower pace. I hope my children remember this as a time where we spent more time together, happily! I also know that this is a very privileged view of time at home. This isn’t the environment that all children in our community are facing and that is definitely still in the back of my mind often.
For the families struggling, I know that each day drags on and adds more stress to this situation. For them I hope they are finding their moments of peace and happy. For those household that NEED to get back to “normal”, I diligently stay home and remind myself that this sacrifice is nothing compared to what others are sacrificing during this time. My husband and I have donated and raised money for Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida during this time because it’s the little that we can safely do for our community. If you have the option, please find ways to reach out to your community in any way that is safe. Spread kindness, not germs.