Here we sit again at the dreaded eye appointment the up side is I get plenty of snuggle time and a chance to not be distracted by cleaning bottles or sorting baby garb. Sofia is 21 weeks on Friday and turned 6 weeks adjusted this past Monday.
The 6 week mark has definitely been fun. On Monday, right on cue, we got a social smile for the first time. Every day when we wake up, I can coax them out more regularly. It makes my whole day to see her little crooked smile spread across those chubby cheeks and watch her little arms and legs wave around like the morning is the most fun thing she’s ever experienced. I feel the same way these days. To watch the world through her eyes is the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had the privilege of being a part of.
Since we were given the okay to start adding a breastfeeding session each day we have had our ups and downs. We’ve struggled with latch issue but thanks to my very special support group (The Bumps J12 group) I’ve received tips that have led us to a better place…my boobs are eternally grateful for the latch corrections!
I’m so thankful for each day I’ve been able to stay home with her and yet sad that it is coming to an end so quickly. My returning to work date is looming and I’m feeling even mote conflicted than ever. How will I balance work life and the demands I have with her Dr’s appointments? How will I feel going from caring for her 24/7 to only getting 5-6hrs a day with her awake? I know every working Mom goes through their separation for the first time with mixed feeling…it’s all part of the process, I guess and only time will tell how it will end up!
This appointment showed some improvement in the right eye but still no change in the left…back in 3 weeks!