So it’s official we take our FIVE POUND and ONE OUNCE bouncing baby girl, home in the morning!
I woke up bright and early this morning in a rather uncomfortable state as I inadvertently slept through a pump. I got a 7 hour stretch of sleep, probably the last I’ll see for a while. I started the laundry up and clicked on the TV which was playing Sleepless in Seattle. All I could think was, if Sofia had a good night, with no Brady’s and passed her car seat test, this would be the last morning I would wake up without her. I only had to wait 1hr and 15 minutes for the verdict. I thought I was going to be sick. I then thought, this is my last opportunity to sleep…so, I went back to bed.
Low and behold when I called to check on everything we got the big thumbs up! She passed the car seat test with flying colors, we would be discharged on Thursday and be doing our “rooming in” night at the NICU today.
Jonathan and I were in a mad dash all day to make sure everything was together for her, pulling together the loose ends and of course, buying our plane tickets home! All the chaos had me full of nervous energy and still with a queasy stomach. After all, any Brady during the day meant no go on the homecoming.
Now I’m sitting on the very uncomfortable pull out sofa in the NICU room watching my husband feed our tiny baby girl who is unattached to any machine for the first time in 81 days. No more butterflies, no more nervousness and finally feeling complete. The icing on the cake…flying in to be with family on Christmas Eve. So, happy and incredibly grateful for my Christmas miracle.
(Sofia and Daddy; the Christmas tree Sofie donated to a Newly admitted NICU resident)